Zoning, Preservation, and Development

ANC 2B’s Zoning, Preservation and Development Committee has been renamed as the Land Use Committee. Please visit the Land Use Committee page for up to date information.

Meetings were held on the 1st Wednesday of the month at the Dupont Circle Resource Center, 9 Dupont Circle NW unless otherwise noted. Agendas are posted on the ANC’s blog.

Engaging with the Committee

  • Zoning, Preservation and Development Committee (ZPD) holds meetings generally on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
  • Meetings are held remotely during the Public Health Emergency, and in-person meetings are held at 9 Dupont Circle NW
  • All applicants when they begin their process should contact the ANC Commissioner for their single member district and the ZPD Chair. The Commissioners and Committee Chair are here to assist and advise you in the regulatory and neighborhood outreach process
  • To be added to the the ZPD agenda and subsequently the ANC agenda, it is best to contact the ZPD Chair and ANC Commissioner for that area a minimum of a week in advance of the ZPD committee, the further in advance the better
  • When submitting to the ZPD and ANC please provide your hearing date and hearing number, a brief description of your project and presentation drawings
  • The committee generally reviews projects that go before the Historic Preservation and Review Board (HPRB), the Office of Zoning and the Board of Zoning and Adjustments (BZA)
  • For DDOT Public Space permits, the Committee may review applicants when necessary, otherwise the ANC Commissioner for that single member district will be the lead in reviewing the Public Space request

Objective of the Committee

Per the Policy and Procedures manual, the ZPD Committee hears an initial review of individual applications to the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA), Zoning Commission (ZC), or Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) that the relevant SMD Commissioner and the Chair of the ZPD Committee believe may take substantial time to review (i.e., greater than 15-20 minutes). The Committee hears these presentations first at a separate, public committee meeting (ZPD). At that meeting, the Committee then formulates a recommendation for action to the full Commission. At the full Commission meeting, the applicant makes an abbreviated presentation, followed by introduction of the Committee’s proposed action and questions and comments..

Role of the Committee

To help achieve these purposes the Committee will:

  • Provide monthly working group meetings to hear applicants and to make recommendation to the Commission as a whole
  • Establish and maintain on-going working relations with those public and private entities with similar goals and purposes, such as the Historic Preservation Review Board, Board of Zoning Adjustment, the Zoning Commission, the D.C. Office of Planning, and other stakeholders
  • Track and, when appropriate, comment on zoning and historic preservation policy and developments
  • When appropriate, seek the advice of outside expertise, such as architects and historic preservationists, to guide the Committee in its work
  • Propose related policy positions for the Commission’s Policy and Procedures Manual
  • Assist with ANC training as related to the goals and purposes of this Committee

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