September 7th Mobility Committee Meeting Agenda (Virtual Meeting)

ANC 2B’s September 2023 Mobility Committee (MC) meeting will be held on Thursday, September 7th at 7:00 pm. Please note that this is a new meeting date due to a scheduling conflict.

This meeting will be held online via Zoom and can be accessed at the following link: .

If you do not have a computer or access to the internet, you may join the meeting via phone at (301) 715-8592 or (646) 558-8656 with meeting ID 880 9943 0595 #.

We will continue to have public comment on each agenda item. There is no fee or account needed to use Zoom.

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  • Discussion of a request for both-sides parking on the 1700 block of Church Street NW (2B07)
  • Discussion of a proposed resolution regarding pedestrian safety and traffic calming at multiple unsignalized intersections along 15th Street NW (2B04 and 2B09)
  • Discussion about reviving the District Department of Transportation’s curbside management pilot project in ANC 2B

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above agenda items, please reach out to MC Chair Jeffrey Rueckgauer at:

September 7th Mobility Committee Meeting Agenda (Virtual Meeting)

One thought on “September 7th Mobility Committee Meeting Agenda (Virtual Meeting)

  • September 6, 2023 at 11:35 am

    Dear Jeffrey,

    I’m posting below an email I sent you yesterday (Tuesday) morning

    Dear Jeffrey,

    Can you please post the letter the ANC received—which has previously been referred to by the ANC as a “community request” and now is simply referred to as a “request”—proposing parking on both sides of the 1700 block of Church Street? It would obviously help to inform the discussion at this week’s Mobility Committee meeting for the community to know where this request is coming from and what, if any, arguments they have marshaled in support of it. Thank you!

    Daniel McGlinchey
    1767 Church Street, NW

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