Community Grants

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B (ANC 2B) has a limited grant program to support organizations with funds to carry out projects and activities that provide a community benefit. Please read the instructions below about the ANC 2B grant consideration and award procedures before submitting a Grant Application.

Instructions: Please read Article VII of the ANC 2B Bylaws for detailed information about grant process.

Interested applicants must fill out and submit the Community Grant Application using this form. Submitting this form will transmit a copy of the application to ANC 2B ( If possible, applicants should communicate with a specific ANC 2B Commissioner regarding completing and transmitting the application, as well as next steps.

Timeline for Applications & Awards: Applicants must submit the Community Grant Application to be considered for a grant award at least two weeks (14 days) prior to the ANC meeting where the application will be considered. Any Commissioner can invite an eligible applicant to present at the Commission’s meeting and move for a vote to award a grant following a presentation at that meeting.

Applications approved by the ANC will be forwarded to the Office of ANCs to ensure the application complies with DC Government law.

The Commission will consider grant applications for time-sensitive projects that do not fit within this timeline on an ad hoc basis. Such consideration is within the Commission’s discretion.

Grant Award Amounts: Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B sets its budget and tentative grant award amounts in [November]. Grant award amounts are typically limited to $500.

Commission Grantmaking Goals: Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B will review grant applications in accordance with the statutory requirements contained in DC Code §1-309.13(m), including whether the applicant organization is public in nature and whether the grant project would benefit individuals who reside or work within the geographic boundaries of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B.

Grant Recipient Requirements: Grant recipients are required to submit a grant report within sixty (60) days from the time the grant funds are provided, and every ninety (90) days thereafter as long as any funds are unspent. The report should be sent to Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B at The ANC will also send a copy of the report to the Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions.

The grant report must include a statement of use explaining exactly how the grant funds were actually spent, as well as details regarding the project’s outcome, including how well the project met its stated goals, any obstacles encountered during the project and how they were overcome, and the lasting impact, if any, of the project.

Failure to submit a grant report will jeopardize the applicant’s ability to receive additional Advisory Neighborhood Commission grants in the future.

Community Grants Form