NEW: ANC 2B Land Use Committee Tracking Sheet
Latest News from the Land Use Committee
- 2024 ANC 2B Committee RecruitingAt the first meeting of each year, ANC 2B voted to establish the Committees that will support our work for the community. For 2024, ANC 2B approved two Committees – the Mobility and Land Use Committees. The role of ANC Committees,
Engaging with the Committee
The LUC holds meetings generally on the 1st Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Please reach out to the chair if you are in need of translation services. All community members are invited to attend and offer comment. Meetings are held remotely during the Public Health Emergency, and in-person meetings are held at 9 Dupont Circle NW.
Applicants Before the Committee
Applicants when they begin their process should contact the LUC Chair and the Commissioner for their single member district (SMD). The LUC Committee Chair and the Commissioner can assist applicants regarding regulatory matters and outreach. To be added to the LUC agenda and subsequently the ANC agenda, applicants must contact the LUC Chair and Commissioner for their single member district a minimum of one week in advance of the target LUC committee meeting. When submitting to the LUC and ANC, applicants must provide a hearing date, a hearing number, a brief description of their project, and presentation materials. The Committee may review DDOT Public Space permit applications when necessary, otherwise the Commissioner for that SMD will lead review of the request.
Objective and Role of the Committee
The Land Use Committee (LUC) is integral to the work of ANC 2B by offering Commissioners recommendations regarding zoning, preservation and physical development matters. This generally includes projects that go before the Historic Preservation and Review Board (HPRB), the Zoning Commission (ZC), and the Board of Zoning and Adjustments (BZA). Additionally, the committee is available to provide applicants technical assistance regarding process, design, and general feedback regarding project and policy proposals.
To help achieve these purposes the Committee will:
- Hold monthly committee meetings to hear applicants and to make recommendations to the Commission as a whole;
- Establish and maintain on-going working relations with those public and private entities with similar goals and purposes, including the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB), the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA), the Zoning Commission (ZC), the D.C. Office of Planning, and other community stakeholders and organizations;
- Track and, when appropriate, provide recommendations to the Commission regarding planning, zoning, and historic preservation policy and development proposals;
- Convene special meetings to hear applications on major projects and policy proposals and to make recommendation to the Commission as a whole;
- Assist with ANC training as related to the goals and purposes of this Committee;
- When appropriate, seek the advice of outside experts, such as architects, planners, historic preservationists, urban designers, and other land use professionals;
- When appropriate, undertake special projects such as, but not limited to special planning and urban design initiatives; and
- When appropriate, host educational forums for exploring planning and land use matters.
Membership in the Committee
Members of the public are appointed by the full ANC for a 1-year term.
Current members include:
- Olivia Brown (2B01)
- Jane Scinta (2B03)
- Michael Lee Beidler (2B07)
- Beverly Schwartz (2B08)
- Kyle Mulhall (2B09)
All members of the ANC are ex oficio members of the LUC. There are no term limits for committee members.
Related District Organizations
- Office of Planning (OP)
- Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB)
- Historic Preservation Office (HPO)
- Zoning Commission (ZC)
- Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA)
- Office of Zoning (OZ)
- Dupont Circle Conservancy (DCC)