Other Reports

In carrying out its work for the neighborhood, Commissioners and staff often generate more detailed reports on important matters. These reports are used to inform the commission and other community stakeholders, so that we can make better decisions.

Below are some key reports from the last several years:

  • Internal Review of ANC Bylaws 2014
  • Report on Zoning Re-Write 2013 – The report compared existing and future zoning designations in the ANC. The “New Zoning Designations” is an Excel spreadsheet comparison of the qualities of previous and proposed zoning resolutions.
  • East Dupont Moratorium Report 2013
  • Dupont West moratorium report 2011 (Appendix A, B, and C) – In 2010, ANC2B drafted and adopted this report and series of recommendations pertaining to the continuation of the West Dupont Circle (P Street) Moratorium. The report made the following recommendations, which were approved by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and the Council of the District of Columbia: 1) The Moratorium will be continued for 3 years; 2) The cap on CR/DR licenses will be eliminated; and, 3) the block known as “One Dupont Circle” will be removed from the Moratorium Zone.
  • West Dupont Moratorium Report 2015
  • Club Central” (Jan. 2010) – A report describing how other cities handle areas of heavy saturation of liquor licenses and service [Submitted by Chris Andrews, Public Policy Intern]
  • Empowering the Neighborhood” (Jan. 2009) – A report on proposed institutional improvements for the ANC to more effectively address issues of neighborhood concern, including changes to procedures, by-laws, the Commission’s website, and the Commission’s staffing. [Submitted by Vice Chair Will Stephens & Treasurer Jack Jacobson]
  • Ross School Safe Routes to Schools Report 2020